Friday, June 20, 2008

Pre-K Graduation

Lauren's Pre-K graduation was cute. They did a play which was really cute, but totally inaudible. We videotaped it but you can't hear a thing except the teacher narrating. Lauren recieved a scrapbooked yearbook which is such a nice keepsake. One of my favorite things included was a list of her "favorites". I included the list below.

My Favorites

Animal: birds

Food: ice cream

Game: hide n seek

Number: 6

Toy: Lambie

Holiday: Halloween

Place: The Great Escape

Thing to do with Mom and Dad: watch a movie

Color: pink and purple

Movie: Barbie Swan Lake

Sport: volleyball

TV Show: Noggin

Book: Anastasia

Restaurant: El Mexicano

Vacation Spot: Mimi & Pop Pop's

Outfit: "the one I'm wearing"

We didn't even know about this so we couldn't coach her, either! I wonder what outfit she was wearing? So cute. We went out for ice cream afterward at Friendly's. One of Lauren's teachers commented in her yearbook that she is one of the brightest kids he's ever taught (out of about 100). All the teachers commented on her reading skills and outgoing personality. I suspect she'll do just fine in Kindergarten next year.
Addison goes to sleep so easily now. I think the key is doing the same exact routine every night. She starts yawning halfway through the routine out of pure conditioning. She happily lays down in her crib, smiling. Then I leave the room and she plays and babbles for a few minutes then goes right to sleep. Usually around 8 pm so she'll sleep till 6 or so. Why do second babies sleep so much better than first babies? I don't know...

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