Thursday, November 15, 2007


Last night was one of the best nights ever! Lately Addison has not been sleeping well, I think because of the tooth coming in. She hasn't been able to sleep unless someone was holding her, which makes it very hard to get anything done or to get any sleep myself. She was the same way at school and at June's on Saturday. Then last night I put her to bed in her crib (rare) and she fell asleep around 9 and I went to bed at 10. I was amazed to wake up at 4 o'clock when she started making noises. Then I brought her into my bed and she slept until 5:30. Had a great day at school and slept in her crib there, too! Small pleasures...

Also, I don't like it when Mom's brag endlessly about their kids, but permit me to brag about Lauren a little. Last year's teacher commented that Lauren was very good at thinking of words that began with a certain letter. This year a paper came home with a note from her current teacher saying " As usual, Lauren was able to come up with MANY T words, some abstract ideas, too, like together - she drew kids playing together. " The pictures she drew are of: a table, a triangle, a tic-tac-toe board, a tomato, kids playing together and Daddy (Tyler) thinking about chocolate chips and watching TV. :) Strangers are always commenting on how smart she is and how she sounds older than she is. She's not shy at all, either. Tyler had his end of the year banquet for volleyball at Uno's and we went. Tyler was playing guitar and singing a parody song he wrote, and Lauren insisted on performing, too. She didn't have a musical instrument she could play, so she stood next to him and did a little interpretive dance. It was so cute. And during the slide show she danced and sang "I like to move it, move it" and "Baby where you get your body from..." She loves the "bollyball girls" and wants to be one someday. I've never seen Tyler smile wider than he did when she said that. She also asks when Mommy and Daddy will go somewhere so one of the girls can babysit her. She has her own Jr. Spartan Volleyball shirt that the JV coach had made for her - she's very proud. (I am, too, can you tell?)

Boy, being a parent is HARD! It's just so much work and you never get a break or any time to yourself. Just going to the bathroom by myself with the door closed is a privilege. (I sometimes stay in there much longer than necessary just for a little peace and quiet!) It's still very rewarding, though, and the little things make it all worth it.

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